
Warning Labels?

So, I just finished reading this article on thebostonchannel.com about energy drinks and warning labels? I guess I never really thought about that before, but I guess it makes sense. I used to drink energy drinks on a daily basis until my recent health kick with the new year and all. I never used to really think they were THAT bad for you, but this article suggests warning labels should be put on energy drinks for the amounts of caffeine that are in them. According to the article, ""The caffeine content of energy drinks varies over a 10-fold range, with some containing the equivalent of 14 cans of Coca-Cola". WOW. "Caffeine intoxication causes nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, gastrointestinal upset, tremors, rapid heartbeats and restlessness, according to a news release. In rare cases, it can cause death." That's a little scary. I never really thought about them in a dangerous way, they seemed just as harmless to me as a can of soda. What do you guys think, are warning labels on energy drinks necessary? Or should we expect people to be knowledgable enough not to drink them in ridiculous quantities?


  1. I think there should be warning labels, just because high amounts of caffeine can give someone a heart attack, so if someone tries to blame the death of their loved one on the energy drink manufacturer and sue them, then they can just say, "Well, we put those warning labels on there for a reason." It's kind of a terrible thing for us, but if the manufacturer wants to save their A's, they should totally put the warning labels on them.

  2. Also, caffeine and all that sugar is bad for you in so many ways!!! lol!

  3. http://www.healthcastle.com/energy_drinks.shtml

    Wow, sorry for all the comments, but I just came across this article on energy drinks. Hope it is helpful to you!

  4. NOt to mention it destroys your bone cells.
