
"More Power to You!"

There is a new energy drink to hit the shelves recently! It is called Amp Lightning and is packages in a yellow can to represent it's "lemonade" flavor. The slogan for their newest drink is "More Power to You", which I have used as my blog heading. Personally, I decided to give this energy drink a try on Friday and I must say it was pretty good! It has a citrus kick to it, and I am not a huge lemon fan but I liked it, despite the fact that the color of the drink looks like someone let a highlighter explode inside. It is bright yellow, just like the color of this font!However, red amp still has my heart, I really don't think they could make another energy drin k as good. I compared some of the nutrition facts of this amp compared to others It still contains the same amount of caffeine, sodium, sugar, and carbs as Amp Overdirve (my favorite), but contains less sodium than Amp's orange drink "relaunch", so I guess that's a good thing! According to some of the other reviews on this drink it taste's like "Mike's Hard mixed with 7-up". Overall, there are definitely better energy drinks out there, but if you're interested, give this one a try!

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