

While doing a final search of something to write about for my blog I found this weird drink called Mamajuana energy shot. Lately, I have been hearing of energy drink which contains hemp so I wanted to look into this. I guess Mamajuana is a sexual performance energy drink with various herbal extracts as part of its ingredients. As part of the ingredients lists it gives a list of ingredients for the "energy blend" as well as a separate list called the "sexual blend". It contains numerous ingredients which are said to be popular aphrodisiacs for this country as well as in other countries. It does contain a warning label about not consuming more than one can per 12 hours though! In the personal testimonies for the product many say that the drink has saved their sex life and you can "boost sexual performance without a prescription". This drink was named after the Carribean legend called "mamjuana" which is featured on their website. It is only a 2 ounce shot but I guess it packs alot of energy! Take a look at the website for more information!




Slap, among Bawls, The Beast, Who's Your Daddy, Roaring Lion, Virus of Beauty, Blue Jeans, Beaver Buzz, Bionic Boink, Deep Throat, and Howling Monkey all have something in common: they are all energy drinks! As you can see, some energy drinks have really weird names, some so weird I probably wouldn't even consider trying it. My main question was why name them these awful names? Well, companies say that the name acts as a slogan itself. Who wouldn't be attracted to a weird named energy drink just for the sake of saying you've tried it? Looking into some of these weird energy drinks I found that alot of them come from different countries and some even contain ingredients that are not in your average "American" energy drink. For example, "Virus of Beauty" is made in Belgium and is a "juice based energy drink which contains aspartame". One company even came up with an energy drink called "Great". I'm sure that took alot of thought! However, one of the ingredients in this drink is called "sulphite ammonia caramel". Looking this up, I found that it is a food coloring containing sulphite and ammonia. Sulphite is used as a food preservative, and is also one of the top 9 food allergens. It can cause irritation of the skin, headache, and breathing difficulty if consumed by someone who has this "allergy" and many people do not know if they have it because it has been banned for its usage in numerous products. Ammonia is obviously the bleach used in cleaners.Kind of made me skeptical about this particular energy drink, I think I'll just stick with Amp for now.


If you're feeling sinful...

The Kabbalah Centre (located in California) which is a non profit spiritual organization which teaches principles of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism). It is followed by multiple celebrities such as Madonna and others but has also been thought to be a cult. However, they apparently have their own energy drink. Press releases had stated that celebrities such as Madonna, Demi Moore, Guy Ritchie, and Ashton Kutcher were drinking this energy drink (probably to get more publicity). The most interesting thing about this energy drink is that it has Kabbalah water in it, or holy water! Yet, I don't think that a "holy water infused" energy drink would be any more healthier for you because it still contains 100mg of caffiene, as well as taurine. It also contains a warning label about over consumption of the drink and how it is not recommended for child consumption or consumption by pregnant women. Many think that Kabbalah is not offering this product to promote their followings but rather to promote marketing and make some money (obviously!). The director of Kabbalah Enterprises states that this energy drink is different from others because it does contain Kabbalah water, which has blessings on it and is an added benefit, aside from the fact that it also tastes better than most energy drinks. My take on this drink is that it is certainly odd knowing that you are consuming blessed holy water while at the same time drinking something that can sure do a number on your health if over consumed.


Booty Sweat

Personally, I have never seen the movie Tropic Thunder with Ben Stiller. But, for those of you who have I'm sure you recall a commercial being aired in the movie for a fake energy known as "Booty Sweat". Well, I decided to search Perez Hilton's site again for interesting news on energy drinks and celebs and came across an article that said Paramount Pictures is now launching the energy drink as a REAL DRINK!! They did this to promote the movie which I think is a great idea because it kind of gets me wondering about seeing the movie since everyone is making such a big deal about this drink! I'm pretty sure "Booty Sweat" is already being sold (though I'm not sure if it was just a last years summer thing to run at the same time as a release for the movie?) but it was sold at locations like Hot Topic and Hastings.. and you can of couse buy it off Amazon! And according to Perez Hilton "lets hope it doesn't taste like ass" haha!

You can find the fake Booty Sweat commercial off of Youtube if you want! But here is a link to the Perez article: http://perezhilton.com/2008-06-27-this-is-not-a-joke-43


Gleukos Energy Drink

What is it? A New type of sports drink that is made from glucose as its main sugar. As the maker of this drink discovered, glucose requires no digestion. It naturally expends energy as it enters into the blood stream, and since it is naturally occurring, it does not use the chemicals which dehydrate you and gives you a natural boost of energy. This drink also claims to not result in a "sugar crash". According to Gleukos' website: "Gleukos is all natural and won't leave that overly sweet. syrupy taste in your mouth". Gleukos contains a large number of electrolytes which are vital to health. Gleukos even claims to be healthy for those who are diabetic! Although I have never seen this sports/energy drink, it can be found in places like CVS, Whole Foods Market, and 7 eleven.

This Gleukos energy drink is also the first to use a plastic, collapsable pouch. Supposedly the company used this because it is said to take up 50% less space and is 80% lighter. It also used a special valve to make the drink spill proof as well as leak proog. Here are some articles about this drink:

And its website:


Celcius Energy Drink

I just found out about this newest energy drink craze with a drink called Celcius. It has "negative calories" because it helps you burn calories as you drink it. Well, while researching this drink (which I had heard about while reading an article on Katie Holmes' new diet secret, which just so happened to be Celcius) I came across a website dedicated to this energy drink. It is called ilovecelcius.com and has tons of related articles to the drink! The drink has about 200 mg of caffeine, whereas normal energy drinks have about 80 mg per bottle. This drink has a total of approximately ten calories, and claims to burn well over 100 (I've heard stories of up to 500 calories burned per bottle). This site reccommends not consuming more than 3 bottles of Celcius per day and is not recommended for pregnant women, children under 12, or people sensitive to caffeine. However, the site does state that if you are used to consuming multiple caffeinated beverages per day, Celcius is the better choice because it is not filled with carbs or calories. The only thing really great that I found about this energy drink was that it has very little sodium (especially as compared to other caffeinated beverages), it contains no high fructose corn syrup, no chemical preservatives, and obviously, no carbohydrates. However, it still contains taurine, guarana, and other not so natural ingredients that can still be adverse to your health.


Swimming the Atlantic

I know I said it was dumb that energy drink commercials are all the same. They all have the same message: you can do the impossible if you drink our energy drink! Well, one woman may have proven this to be true! I found an article that was about the first woman to SWIM ACROSS THE ATLANTIC OCEAN!! She was 56 years old and swam from Africa to the British Virgin Islands. Apparently, the woman though that she would be able to swim the whole way if ever a plane went down in the middle of the ocean and wanted to prove to herself that she could do it. Well, she got the aid of energy drinks on her way! Of course, she had a crew with her the whole time on a boat nearby just in case she was too tired to do the whole trip. The crew would throw down bottles of energy drinks to give her the boost she needed to make it all the way! I id find this to be a bit odd since after the initial boost of caffeine, the body goes into crash mode(personally I thought bottled water would be a better choice!), but I guess I was wrong because she was able to complete her voyage. Maybe you can do the "impossible", as long as you have the right brand!