
Celcius Energy Drink

I just found out about this newest energy drink craze with a drink called Celcius. It has "negative calories" because it helps you burn calories as you drink it. Well, while researching this drink (which I had heard about while reading an article on Katie Holmes' new diet secret, which just so happened to be Celcius) I came across a website dedicated to this energy drink. It is called ilovecelcius.com and has tons of related articles to the drink! The drink has about 200 mg of caffeine, whereas normal energy drinks have about 80 mg per bottle. This drink has a total of approximately ten calories, and claims to burn well over 100 (I've heard stories of up to 500 calories burned per bottle). This site reccommends not consuming more than 3 bottles of Celcius per day and is not recommended for pregnant women, children under 12, or people sensitive to caffeine. However, the site does state that if you are used to consuming multiple caffeinated beverages per day, Celcius is the better choice because it is not filled with carbs or calories. The only thing really great that I found about this energy drink was that it has very little sodium (especially as compared to other caffeinated beverages), it contains no high fructose corn syrup, no chemical preservatives, and obviously, no carbohydrates. However, it still contains taurine, guarana, and other not so natural ingredients that can still be adverse to your health.


  1. I never understood this concept, arent energy drinks supposed to give you energy??? and dont we get energy from calories??? so how does negative calories give you energy???

  2. Negative calories?? What if you drink it and then don't do any physical acitivity? Do you still burn a lot of calories?

  3. Haha I guess it contains ingredients which supposedly speed up your metabolism and burn fat. However, I guess if you were just sitting around not doing any kind of physical activity I'm not sure that this product would work?

  4. You spelled it wrong... its Celsius... Lol

  5. Yes it would - "negative calories" means a thermogenic process, i.e. a chemical reaction that requires energy to continue, that energy come from store fat and muscle, hence burning claories, hence taking celcius for weight loss!
