
Swimming the Atlantic

I know I said it was dumb that energy drink commercials are all the same. They all have the same message: you can do the impossible if you drink our energy drink! Well, one woman may have proven this to be true! I found an article that was about the first woman to SWIM ACROSS THE ATLANTIC OCEAN!! She was 56 years old and swam from Africa to the British Virgin Islands. Apparently, the woman though that she would be able to swim the whole way if ever a plane went down in the middle of the ocean and wanted to prove to herself that she could do it. Well, she got the aid of energy drinks on her way! Of course, she had a crew with her the whole time on a boat nearby just in case she was too tired to do the whole trip. The crew would throw down bottles of energy drinks to give her the boost she needed to make it all the way! I id find this to be a bit odd since after the initial boost of caffeine, the body goes into crash mode(personally I thought bottled water would be a better choice!), but I guess I was wrong because she was able to complete her voyage. Maybe you can do the "impossible", as long as you have the right brand!


  1. Well, if your plane crashed I don't think there is going to be energy drinks floating around to gain energy lol

  2. Exactly what I thought while reading this article! Sure maybe she was able to do it with a crew right beside her giving her food and energy drinks, BUT chances are if a plane crashed, youre not going to have an unlimited supply of food to keep you going until your safely back on shore.
