
Energy Drink Commercials

While bored on youtube, I found some interesting energy drink commercials that are actually airing on television (or have previously aired). I just thought it was funny to compare different energy drink commercials and see what they're all about. Okay so the first commercial I watched was one for Full Throttle. The main message of this commercial: "Let your man out". This I thought to be funny because the whole theme of the commercial is all of these people running after the full throttle truck to get their energy drinks because the commercial is basically saying "you're not a man if you don't drink full throttle". I find it interesting that these companies often advertise to men rather than women because they usually show buff guys getting energy to go work out or play some sports and the companies think that men will look at the commercial and think "wow, this energy drink will really help give me energy for the gym". But the truth is, it is actually dangerous to drink these before or during any type of physical activity because it causes dehydration and consuming too many can pump up your heart rate and can even send you into cardiac arrest. I also chose to look at a few Amp commercials. In one of them, this guy (formerly Donkey Lips on Salute Your Shorts hah!) decides to give his car a jump when its battery dies by drinking a can of Amp and attaching the jumper cables to his nipples. The message of this commercial was so obviously that Amp can give you immense power. All of the commercials are the same: energy drinks can make you do the impossible (like Red Bull gives you wings, Amp allows you to jump your car battery through your nipples, and Full Throttle gives you that extra manliness). However, what I feel these commercials fail to do is to alert younger crowds that these should not be consumed on a daily basis, or that the consumption of these drinks will not make you into a stronger, better person. Kids take these messages seriously sometimes, and I do not think that these commercials should be allowed to air if their is no advisory for them.

1 comment:

  1. haha they really do make it seem like men need energy drinks to work out and play sports
