
Relaxation Drink?

Okay, so I know I'm supposed to be writing about energy drinks, but while I was looking at some websites I came across a new type of drink called the relaxation drink. It is supposed to have the opposite effects of an energy drink. Instead of increasing stamina, they supposedly are meant to reduce stress and put the body into a calming state. One brand of this drink is called "Drank", how original, and it contains Valerian Root, Rose Hips, and Melatonin to "relax the mind, body, and soul". There IS a warning label on this drink saying that it may cause drowsiness to prvent people from drinking it just before driving or performing some other kind of labor. I had never heard of "Valerian Root" before so I looked it up and apparently it benefits those who suffer from "anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, mental strain, lack of concentration, stress, chronic headaches or migraines, and even bladder control issues". The drink is more commonly seen in the south, however, it is slowly making its way to New York City. I'm sure we will find it around Boston soon enough! Apparently, the creator of the drink says that he got his influence for making the drink by hip hop artists who need a more calm and relaxed lifestyle. Many hip hop artists have died from mixing together cough syrup, soda, and other such ingedients which have the same side effects of "Drank", only I'm hoping this relaxation drink is a bit safer.

Here's the link to it's website if you're interested: http://www.drankbeverage.com/

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